Judges comments - "I really like this landscape. The composition is very strong with the super little tree standing like a sentinel overlooking the valley. Also what a super sky. It makes me just want to walk up to the distant trees."
Judges comments - "I just love this one. They say that if you photograph writing, people will want to read it and that is very true, so go ahead and read it as it makes the image better. Also with me having the images to look at properly it does mean that I also spot what you may not have seen yet. Yes the cat. I accept the lens distortion as you would probably have needed a very wide angle."
Judges comments - "I recognise the area outside as from a previous image. However I do believe that this interior has a simple timeless feel to it that would benefit the from cropping off the outside. The image has a beautiful tonal range."
Judges comments - "A well caught action image of the walkers on the stepping stones. You have captured the action beautifully with the girls outstretched leg about to reach the next stone. Compositionally it all works well with the strong diagonal of the stones and the walkers and reflection all helping to balance the image. I also like the calm upstream waters changing to the more turbulent downstream waters."